

Submit your documents

receive your credentials

upload your photos

apply your fullfilment method

physician review

choose your payout method

upload your inventory

Apply to become a verified seller at: https://wellrabbit.com/apply/
- Provide Company, Contact Name, Email, business address, and agree the sellers’ terms and conditions
- Attach your manufacturer’s GMP certificate
Submit your documents
One of our onboarding specialists will collect the COAs for the products you wish to list on WellRabbit
- Products should be produced in a GMP-certified lab
- Products should be accompanied by a COA which affirms the product quality
- Products must meet the requirements set forth in the Sellers’ Terms and Conditions
receive your credentials
You will receive your login credentials for the WellRabbit VIP Central portal
upload your photos
Create your product listings in the VIP Central portal
- Use the login credentials and link you received when your account was approved to access the seller portal
- Use the product listing instructions provided by your onboarding specialist to begin creating your listings
- When you have created your listings, we will review them and either approve them or let you know what changes are required
apply your fullfilment method
Choose your fulfillment method: WellRabbit or Seller-fulfilled
- WellRabbit-Fulfilled
- Your onboarding specialist will direct you on where to ship your products and advise recommended quantities to send
- Once your products have been received, you can view your inventory in the seller portal in the Quantity column for each item
- Monitor your real-time inventory through the seller portal and coordinate with your onboarding specialist when replenishment shipments are needed
- Seller-Fulfilled
- Your onboarding specialist will organize a meeting between our integrations team and your team to make the necessary connections for you to receive orders
- Standard integrations are made at no cost to you. We can quote any custom integrations that must be created or you can create your own integration using our REST API
- When the connection is created, we will perform a test order to ensure all information is flowing as required
- Inventory Levels to WellRabbit
- Order Details to Seller
- Tracking information to WellRabbit
- Email confirmation to customer
physician review
Our in-house physician team will review the products and documentation and WellRabbit will contact you when the review is complete.
choose your payout method
Submit your banking information to WellRabbit for payment disbursement
upload your inventory
Make your inventory available to sell
- For Well-Rabbit fulfilled, your onboarding specialist will provide the address to ship your product and we will receive it and upload to the VIP Central portal
- For Seller-fulfilled products, you will enter the inventory level into the VIP Central portal for each item